És íme, az egyik gyümölcse az önkéntes munkámnak: az EY úgy döntött, hogy megjelenteti a regionális hírlevelében az élményeimet. Sajnos ugyan az utazgatásról nem lehetett mesélnem, de azért így is szuper lett, és már kaptam is emaileket külföldi kollégáktól, akik érdeklődnek az Otra Cosa iránt! íme a cikk:
Volunteer Laura uses EY skills to broaden horizons for Peruvian childrenLaura Konig wanted to use the skills she had gained to help make a positive difference to people's lives. However, when she found herself 11,000km from home, teaching a class of eager children in Peru, she realized that she was learning too.
"I love travelling and my work in Business Development has taken me to different parts of the world, including a secondment in Prague – but I'd never visited South America before,” says the Budapest-based senior project coordinator.
"Volunteering seemed the perfect way to use my experience to help others. My manager was supportive, helping me arrange time off via a combination of paid and unpaid leave.”
Laura worked with a volunteering agency called Otra Cosa for three months, spending six weeks teaching English to under-privileged children in Huanchaco on the northern coast and the remaining time helping the agency itself.
Rewarding experience"Part of my experiences at EY involved working on the Assessment of Service Quality (ASQ) program,” she says. "I used this experience to help reshape the agency's project evaluation processes, as well as set up databases and a newsletter for former volunteers – all of which I found very rewarding.”
While teaching, Laura was struck by the children's energy and cheerfulness. "Learning English not only awakens their interest in new cultures and the wider world, but also helps improve their confidence and provides an opportunity to reduce disadvantage in later life,” she says.
Learning new skills"All the children came from low-income families and I was humbled by their enthusiasm for learning.”
Immersing herself in local culture, Laura soon found her own language skills improving. "I spoke only basic Spanish when I arrived, but – encouraged by the people I met – I soon picked up the local dialect,” she says.
"Now I’m home, I feel better-able to communicate effectively with people, and cope with change and new challenges. These are things I can now apply in my role at EY.”